How well can you
see color?

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Did you know ...
who discovered color blindness?
John Dalton was the first to investigate color blindness and was color blind himself.
His diagnosis was confirmed in 1995, some 150 years after his death, by DNA analysis of his preserved eyeball, which he had donated to science.
Did you know that ...
the color blind can see in the dark?
They cannot see in total darkness, but they can distinguish details at a much lower light level than people with normal color vision.
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Did you know that ...
babies are born color blind?
Babies can see only black, white, and shades of gray. They are usually able to distinguish between most colors by the age of 2 months.
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Did you know that ...
bulls don't actually react to red?
Bulls are completely color blind. They charge the red cape because it is moving, not because it is red.
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